Community App

Boost interaction, promote your community, enhance the satisfaction of your community.

Create a unique app for your community

Boost interaction

Receive messages from your members and facilitate their interaction. With plugins like Chat, Forum, Timeline and Marketplace create the necessary environment for effective interaction.

Promote your community

Promote your community by using features to enable everyone to reach your app thus gain more users. Introduce yourself by giving news from your community.

Enhance the satisfaction of your members

By conducting surveys involve your members in your decision making process. Create a virtual market place where your members can shop among themselves.

The most convenient way to have an app for communities

Appforyou Mobil Uygulama Oluşturma Platformu ile dernek, vakıf ya da topluluğunuza özel bir mobil uygulamaya kolayca sahip olabilirsiniz. Uygulama oluşturma aracını kullanarak kendi uygulamanızı oluşturabilir ya da ihtiyacınız olan özellikleri ve uygulama tasarımınızı seçerek mobil uygulamanızı hızlıca edinebilir, Google Play ve App Store’da topluluğunuzun adıyla yayımlayabilirsiniz.

Choose the features you like, create the community app of your dreams.

There is no single perfect app for every community. Maybe online orders or music lists… Choose the plugins you would like to add to your app and create a unique app for your community. Here are some plugins you can choose from;

  • Dues System

    Track and charge dues.

  • Link

    Gather the links that may draw the attention of your users, redirect your users to target links with ease.

  • Survey

    Get to know your target group, measure satisfaction, involve your users at the stages of your decision-making process!

  • Scheduler

    Meal lists, work schedule, conferance schedule... Create the schedules you need and share with your users.

  • Contact

    Share your contact details, let your users get in touch with you with a single click or an e-mail.

  • Notification

    With limitless notifications feature reach all your users, send as many notifications as you wish with no cost and get rid of SMS costs.

  • Video

    Publish the youtube videos you want to deliver to your users in your mobile application.

  • Team

    Introduce your team members, speak of their areas of expertise.

  • Marketplace

    Create an online market place where brand new or second hand stuff can be sold and bought.

  • Forum

    Knowledge grows as it is shared, ideas become meaningful when shared. Enhance the interaction among your members with Forum plugin.

  • Timeline

    By creating a timeline on which your users can create topics, enhance interaction.

  • Connection

    Let your users send connection requests to each other.

  • Membership

    Decide on your membership structure, specify the fields on your membership form yourself.

  • Event

    Announce all the events you organize to your users, ensure they do not miss any of your events.

Easy, affordable, powerful... Create your community app, and start making sales now!

Easily Manage Your App

  • Create different administration panel users and determine the areas that each of them can reach.
  • View your app statistics.
  • View and edit information for all your users.
  • Send notifications to all users, a specific user, or a specific user group.
  • Perform content management of all plugins in your application.
App Control Panel